Mr Rene, congratulations for the article..!
To dig a little bit deeper in this presentation, suppose is not wrong to add some informations about quartz oscillators…
So, 32768Hz – the frequency of quartz oscillators, means 2(two) at the power of 15. Reversely, if the 32768 is divided by 2 for fifteen times, we will obtain one oscillation per second(one Hertz).
Consequently, digital watches, which are equipped with chronometers(stopwatches) with resolution of 1/100 second, are equipped with quartz crystals oscillating at 3.2768MHz, thus meaning that after dividing by 2 for fifteen times, we will obtain one hundred oscillations per second(100 Hertz) – exactly the resolution of stopwatch. Further, after division by 100, will obtain 1Hz.
As a supplement, there are table-clocks(stationary) of whom oscilator is driven by mains frequency(50 or 60Hz) parameter enough stable for home clock, fairly precise.
Mr Rene, congratulations for the article..!
To dig a little bit deeper in this presentation, suppose is not wrong to add some informations about quartz oscillators…
So, 32768Hz – the frequency of quartz oscillators, means 2(two) at the power of 15. Reversely, if the 32768 is divided by 2 for fifteen times, we will obtain one oscillation per second(one Hertz).
Consequently, digital watches, which are equipped with chronometers(stopwatches) with resolution of 1/100 second, are equipped with quartz crystals oscillating at 3.2768MHz, thus meaning that after dividing by 2 for fifteen times, we will obtain one hundred oscillations per second(100 Hertz) – exactly the resolution of stopwatch. Further, after division by 100, will obtain 1Hz.
As a supplement, there are table-clocks(stationary) of whom oscilator is driven by mains frequency(50 or 60Hz) parameter enough stable for home clock, fairly precise.
Hey Silviu, thanks for this deep dive. Very much appreciated!
Excellent,very educational report. We appreciate your efforts.
Thanks, George!