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Silviu Ch.
30. October 2023 22:42

Mr Rene, congratulations for the article..!
To dig a little bit deeper in this presentation, suppose is not wrong to add some informations about quartz oscillators…
So, 32768Hz – the frequency of quartz oscillators, means 2(two) at the power of 15. Reversely, if the 32768 is divided by 2 for fifteen times, we will obtain one oscillation per second(one Hertz).
Consequently, digital watches, which are equipped with chronometers(stopwatches) with resolution of 1/100 second, are equipped with quartz crystals oscillating at 3.2768MHz, thus meaning that after dividing by 2 for fifteen times, we will obtain one hundred oscillations per second(100 Hertz) – exactly the resolution of stopwatch. Further, after division by 100, will obtain 1Hz.
As a supplement, there are table-clocks(stationary) of whom oscilator is driven by mains frequency(50 or 60Hz) parameter enough stable for home clock, fairly precise.

René Herold
31. October 2023 9:25
Reply to  Silviu Ch.

Hey Silviu, thanks for this deep dive. Very much appreciated!

George Lamacka
22. June 2023 10:40

Excellent,very educational report. We appreciate your efforts.

René Herold
31. October 2023 9:22
Reply to  George Lamacka

Thanks, George!